Thursday, May 5, 2011

Yotsuba&! 10, Electuurrooonik store!

Yotsuba&! (よつばと!, Yotsuba to!), the story revolves around a little girl, Yotsuba's free and easy life. I swear during the moment reading, the universe temporarily revolves around her! What's so exciting about childhood? Try new things and play all day long! And that's what this manga all about. If Piano Hutan is the perfect world of Kai, Yotsuba to! is the blissful world of Yotsuba. This little too cute to be true kiddo rules her world blissfully, sometimes I worry she may take over the world when grew up. A bit of background, Yotsuba is a daughter of Pak Koiwai, adopted daughter. If I remember correctly she was adopted when Koiwai is abroad. Now we can only wonder from which country could he fetch a green hair little girl with irresistible innocent look and a born-talent to be world sovereign? Now this will be a long waited side story of Yotsuba, please azuma-sensei? XD

"Harga tahu lagi murah.. Jadi makanan hari ini..sup jagung, jagung dan ikan makarel" Now where did that deduction come from? XD In vol 10 (like any other vols), you'll find a lot of funny lines being said irresponsibly by Yotsuba. Volume 10 is just perfect from start to end, heck even from the cover. Take another look at the cover again. The pastel colors, the suggestive cool afternoon and Yotsuba on the way home after playing with Juralmin, is amused at something she realized for the first time. Now do you know what she's looking at? The afternoon shadow getting longer? The squirrel collecting nuts across the street? Exactly the extent of how beautiful the cover is.

Yanda appearance which to our amusement annoyed the security of Yotsuba. Jumbo who takes a lot of space in the panels and to our amusement still misunderstood Tora is his love rivals XD. Fuka who naturally kids best friend often worries of her weight, carelessly grows unintentional love seed with Pak Koiwai (the doujin is already out there you know!). And the grandeur come back to life of Karduuuu!! The last chapter is lovable! But my favorite is 'toko elektronik' chapter, is so damn funny, laughs are coming from every panel XD The ultimate one is Yotsuba tried a handphone and pick up a call, "Halo, ini Yotsuba.. Ada apa? APAA?!? GA MUNGKINN!!" ROFLLLLXDDD

This slice of Yotsuba's happy life is most enjoyable during a sunny day in open air with not too much crowd around. You can really feel the always summer scenes and background pictures. Especially the transition scenes (panels with no text bubble), do not just take a quick glimpse, have a moment to indulge and feel it.

Now who wants to be parent but only if your child is like Yotsuba? hahaha yes we're selfish aren't we.. Pak Koiwai is the perfect example of passionate and patient parent. Don't even think you can match him. But this manga is a nice read to teach one or two about parenting though.

Lastly, I feel grateful to live in one of manga paradise on earth, Indonesia and able to get this manga regularly :)