The Drops of God (神の雫 Kami no Shizuku, Les Gouttes de Dieu), depicts the wine world so damn beautiful, left me high and dry in a flower field (with OO QanT XD)..
Vol 3 which I call it Marriage, tells you that there's a drink for a meal or is it a meal for a drink? ^^;; The combination between meal and drink can bring out the best of taste. Hey! That's what I always do with mie ayam and teh botol, nasi goreng and teh botol, somay and teh botol.. *Lho kok teh botol semua!!??* XDD
And what do you know, Chateau de saint cosme cotes du rhone les deux albion vintage '01 (nulis apa sih?) is the taste of Bali? nice try Dewa wine Yunani! Now one family restored by wine.. :)
On to the battle of Bold Italy vs Rich Variety France, stay tune!
Sekarang mari kita menjilat2 kulit pisang, biji ek dan bunga akasia :D And excuse me, I need to book KLM just to drink wine at 3000 feets XD
Aah sketsa di adegan 'Marriage' itu indah sekali :')
kembali ke kampung halaman dan menikahi teman masa kecilnya.. XDD *dream on* *negek wine*
belum baca (>,<) *ngaciiir*
blum baca dari awal ato vol 3 aja ?
dari awal.. *ngumpet di bawah meja*
wahaha.. buruannn! nanti wine nya ga dingin lagi.. :p
lupa terus tiap mau pinjem :D
*dicatet biar ga lupa lagi*
ah, sayangnya saya blum baca volume yg ini karena... tidak ada di sini :P mungkin harus baca online...
btw, selamat om atas kemunculan blog barunya! dan kenapa yg dipilih drops of god 3 dengan tema marriage? karena saudara2... ada yg tidak sabar mau married rupanya!!! XD *suit suittt*
jadi pengen minum! *tos dengan raven dan wichan*
trus om... sbenernya situ niat gak sih nge-review? kog dibawa becanda terus... :P
hello Shanghai! disana banyak juga kan manga.. cuma blm bisa bacanya ya? XD ato ky saya aja tiap 1 bulan pulang.. XDD
knp Drops of God 3? karena itu yg abis dibaca :p yah sedikit kebetulan ada yg sama dgn rencana masa depan saya :p
Saya kalo review ya begini.. hahahah dah pernah dicoba review yg (agak) serius, dan saya ilfil sendiri bacanya hahaha.. ya udah, gini deh akhirnya wkwk..
thanks for the komen~
I already had this Marriage volume in my greedy hands from January -- too bad, I couldn't read it because it was the French version ^^
But even with Level following with its own volume three months down the line, still haven't read it *sweatdrop*
Congrats on the new blog. That's a lot of TBR you got there in the background. ^^
Waaaww! you have french version? XD
I imagine it's even more tastier reading it in french hehe..
Thanks still lot of layout revamp need to be done ^^
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